
Showing 1377-1392 of 1939
en, fr
Malaysia launches new information system

The Royal Malaysian Customs Department is working on a new information system, known as uCustoms, which will enable effective information-sharing, streamlined procedures, and genuine collaboration among all agencies involved in the clearance process.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Malaysia launches new information system

The Royal Malaysian Customs Department is working on a new information system, known as uCustoms, which will enable effective information-sharing, streamlined procedures, and genuine collaboration among all agencies involved in the clearance process.

IT systems, databases
Netarifinės užsienio prekybos reguliavimo priemonės

Dažnai sulaukiame importuotojų ir eksportuotojų klausimų apie tai, kokie leidimai, sertifikatai ar licencijos reikalingos įvežti / išvežti tam tikras prekes. Taip pat teiraujamasi apie taikomus apribojimus, draudimus dirbant su tam tikromis valstybėmis, prekėms taikomus techninius, specialiuosius reikalavimus ir pan. Aptarsime netarifines prekybos reguliavimo priemones ir kur verslui rasti reikiamą informaciją.

Rūta Daukšienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Netarifinės užsienio prekybos reguliavimo priemonės

Dažnai sulaukiame importuotojų ir eksportuotojų klausimų apie tai, kokie leidimai, sertifikatai ar licencijos reikalingos įvežti / išvežti tam tikras prekes. Taip pat teiraujamasi apie taikomus apribojimus, draudimus dirbant su tam tikromis valstybėmis, prekėms taikomus techninius, specialiuosius reikalavimus ir pan. Aptarsime netarifines prekybos reguliavimo priemones ir kur verslui rasti reikiamą informaciją.

Rūta Daukšienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
The United Kingdom’s journey towards a modern declaration management service

Aa far back as 1971, Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise (HMC&E) – as it was then – was looking at how computers could be beneficial to the Customs process. The growth in air traffic and the need to clear goods quickly in the United Kingdom (UK) prompted the development of the London Airport Cargo Electronic Data Processing Scheme (LACES). It was originally an automated system for processing import consignment data, and was the world’s first Customs computer service.

Ian Wilkins

IT systems, databases
en, fr
The United Kingdom’s journey towards a modern declaration management service

Aa far back as 1971, Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise (HMC&E) – as it was then – was looking at how computers could be beneficial to the Customs process. The growth in air traffic and the need to clear goods quickly in the United Kingdom (UK) prompted the development of the London Airport Cargo Electronic Data Processing Scheme (LACES). It was originally an automated system for processing import consignment data, and was the world’s first Customs computer service.

Ian Wilkins

IT systems, databases
Galutinio vartojimo procedūra

Skaitytojo klausimas: Pastoviai iš Rusijos Federacijos importuojame neapdorotą saulėgrąžų aliejų, kurį deklaruojame KN kodu 1512.19.90.10. Išleidžiant prekes į laisvą apyvartą mokame nustatytą 9,6 % muito mokestį. Neseniai sužinojome, kad tokį pat produktą išleidžiant į laisvą apyvartą gali būti taikomas 5,1 % muito tarifas. Ar galite pasakyti, kokios sąlygos leidžia taikyti šiai prekei mažesnį muitą ir kokie tam keliami reikalavimai? Straipsnyje atsakome į klausimą ir suteikiame bendrąją informaciją apie galutinio vartojimo procedūrą.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance
Galutinio vartojimo procedūra

Skaitytojo klausimas: Pastoviai iš Rusijos Federacijos importuojame neapdorotą saulėgrąžų aliejų, kurį deklaruojame KN kodu 1512.19.90.10. Išleidžiant prekes į laisvą apyvartą mokame nustatytą 9,6 % muito mokestį. Neseniai sužinojome, kad tokį pat produktą išleidžiant į laisvą apyvartą gali būti taikomas 5,1 % muito tarifas. Ar galite pasakyti, kokios sąlygos leidžia taikyti šiai prekei mažesnį muitą ir kokie tam keliami reikalavimai? Straipsnyje atsakome į klausimą ir suteikiame bendrąją informaciją apie galutinio vartojimo procedūrą.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance
en, fr
UNI-PASS: Korea’s Customs modernization tool

The environment surrounding Customs administrations is changing rapidly. The conclusion by the World Trade Organization (WTO) of its Trade Facilitation Agreement in December 2013 demands that governments make further efforts to simplify trade procedures and ensure more transparency in trade regulations. This is further strengthened by the WCO’s decision to dedicate 2016 to the promotion of ‘Digital Customs' which encourages Customs to go down the road of modernization.

Hoon-Goo Cho, Sung-Hoon Nam

IT systems, databases
en, fr
UNI-PASS: Korea’s Customs modernization tool

The environment surrounding Customs administrations is changing rapidly. The conclusion by the World Trade Organization (WTO) of its Trade Facilitation Agreement in December 2013 demands that governments make further efforts to simplify trade procedures and ensure more transparency in trade regulations. This is further strengthened by the WCO’s decision to dedicate 2016 to the promotion of ‘Digital Customs' which encourages Customs to go down the road of modernization.

Hoon-Goo Cho, Sung-Hoon Nam

IT systems, databases
Prekių muitinės vertės nustatymas pagal susijusių asmenų sandorio vertę

Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) išaiškino, kokiomis aplinkybėmis prekių muitinė vertė negali būti nustatoma pagal sandorio vertę ir kiek muitinės vertės nustatymui turi įtakos prekių pardavėjo ir pirkėjo tarpusavio ryšys (nagrinėjamu atveju bendrovėms vadovauja broliai).

Prekių muitinės vertės nustatymas pagal susijusių asmenų sandorio vertę

Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) išaiškino, kokiomis aplinkybėmis prekių muitinė vertė negali būti nustatoma pagal sandorio vertę ir kiek muitinės vertės nustatymui turi įtakos prekių pardavėjo ir pirkėjo tarpusavio ryšys (nagrinėjamu atveju bendrovėms vadovauja broliai).

en, fr
SARS’ experience regarding the impact of digitalization on human resources

Driven by the need to ensure it would be able to address the increased demands of the global trading landscape, with regard to both financial and social security, accession to international instruments – specifically those developed by the WCO, pressures from the trade to improve service levels, and the burgeoning demand to engage cross-border regional integration and international exchange of data, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) realized the need to revitalize its Customs functions.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
SARS’ experience regarding the impact of digitalization on human resources

Driven by the need to ensure it would be able to address the increased demands of the global trading landscape, with regard to both financial and social security, accession to international instruments – specifically those developed by the WCO, pressures from the trade to improve service levels, and the burgeoning demand to engage cross-border regional integration and international exchange of data, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) realized the need to revitalize its Customs functions.

IT systems, databases
Reglamentas dėl SMK nuostatų taikymo pereinamuoju laikotarpiu

2015.12.17 Europos Komisija priėmė deleguotąjį reglamentą dėl Sąjungos muitinės kodekso taikymo pereinamuoju laikotarpiu, kol bus įdiegtos tam tikros elektroninės sistemos. Reglamentas dar nėra įsigaliojęs, nes Europos Parlamentas ir Taryba turi teisę pateikti prieštaravimus. Aptarkime, kokia šio reglamento paskirtis.

Reglamentas dėl SMK nuostatų taikymo pereinamuoju laikotarpiu

2015.12.17 Europos Komisija priėmė deleguotąjį reglamentą dėl Sąjungos muitinės kodekso taikymo pereinamuoju laikotarpiu, kol bus įdiegtos tam tikros elektroninės sistemos. Reglamentas dar nėra įsigaliojęs, nes Europos Parlamentas ir Taryba turi teisę pateikti prieštaravimus. Aptarkime, kokia šio reglamento paskirtis.

en, fr
eTIR, the new digital TIR carnet

The TIR system is going paperless. The new eTIR system is based on real-time digital data exchange between transport operators, Customs authorities, TIR system guaranteeing organizations, and the United Nations. A pilot project is currently being implemented between Iran and Turkey, with the eTIR system expected to expand geographically from there over the coming years, reducing international transit costs and increasing security.

Daniel Kern, André Sceia

IT systems, databases, TIR / ATA / CPD carnet
en, fr
eTIR, the new digital TIR carnet

The TIR system is going paperless. The new eTIR system is based on real-time digital data exchange between transport operators, Customs authorities, TIR system guaranteeing organizations, and the United Nations. A pilot project is currently being implemented between Iran and Turkey, with the eTIR system expected to expand geographically from there over the coming years, reducing international transit costs and increasing security.

Daniel Kern, André Sceia

IT systems, databases, TIR / ATA / CPD carnet
en, fr
AEO and paperless procedures: a great opportunity for companies

With the entry into force of the ‘Union Customs Code’ in the European Union, and the still all too real terrorist threat, obtaining the status of an Authorized Economic Operator is even more vital than ever for companies in the world of logistics. However, guaranteeing and optimizing the process of obtaining this status calls for the use of tools essential to paperless procedures, also known as dematerialization, which in turn have been rendered vital by the need to control costs and the stiff competition in the field of international transport. Never before has a convergence of interests led to such a happy marriage.

Olivier Layec

IT systems, databases, trusted trader
en, fr
AEO and paperless procedures: a great opportunity for companies

With the entry into force of the ‘Union Customs Code’ in the European Union, and the still all too real terrorist threat, obtaining the status of an Authorized Economic Operator is even more vital than ever for companies in the world of logistics. However, guaranteeing and optimizing the process of obtaining this status calls for the use of tools essential to paperless procedures, also known as dematerialization, which in turn have been rendered vital by the need to control costs and the stiff competition in the field of international transport. Never before has a convergence of interests led to such a happy marriage.

Olivier Layec

IT systems, databases, trusted trader
en, fr
Securing the digital supply chain

The digital supply chain is where the world of trade is being transformed, as consumers and businesses switch to digital media, digital goods and e-commerce in place of physical goods traded at bricksand-mortar stores. New platforms for trading goods online as well as on the ‘dark net,’ new driverless modes of transport (such as drones), and new digital design and manufacturing techniques (such as 3D printing) are disrupting international trade supply chains that are based on the movement of physical goods.

James Canham, Alexander de Voet

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Securing the digital supply chain

The digital supply chain is where the world of trade is being transformed, as consumers and businesses switch to digital media, digital goods and e-commerce in place of physical goods traded at bricksand-mortar stores. New platforms for trading goods online as well as on the ‘dark net,’ new driverless modes of transport (such as drones), and new digital design and manufacturing techniques (such as 3D printing) are disrupting international trade supply chains that are based on the movement of physical goods.

James Canham, Alexander de Voet

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Start small, think big: big data!

Ninety-three percent of federal government respondents to a recent survey by Unisys Corp. said that the quality and speed of decision-making improved when applying data analytics; yet nearly 70% reported that they are concerned about their agency’s ability to analyse key data rather than simply collect it. One of the reasons for such concern is the ‘information explosion,’ a term that describes the rapid increase in the amount of available information or data, introducing the challenge of managing the information and making sense out of it.

Ziv Baida

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Start small, think big: big data!

Ninety-three percent of federal government respondents to a recent survey by Unisys Corp. said that the quality and speed of decision-making improved when applying data analytics; yet nearly 70% reported that they are concerned about their agency’s ability to analyse key data rather than simply collect it. One of the reasons for such concern is the ‘information explosion,’ a term that describes the rapid increase in the amount of available information or data, introducing the challenge of managing the information and making sense out of it.

Ziv Baida

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Using open data to combat transnational criminal networks

Over the past decade the global security environment has evolved, allowing rogue nation-states, sanctioned terrorist organizations, and violent criminal syndicates to operate on a transnational scale, converging in pursuit of common objectives. Today, these illicit actors are deeply embedded within international systems of finance, commerce and transportation, threatening to critically undermine the foundations of global peace and prosperity. This article highlights C4ADS’ approach to analysing unclassified data in order to demonstrate how illicit networks operate, thereby empowering law enforcement authorities, logistics companies, and financial institutions to take action against transnational organized crime.

Varun Vira, Jessica Hansen

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
Using open data to combat transnational criminal networks

Over the past decade the global security environment has evolved, allowing rogue nation-states, sanctioned terrorist organizations, and violent criminal syndicates to operate on a transnational scale, converging in pursuit of common objectives. Today, these illicit actors are deeply embedded within international systems of finance, commerce and transportation, threatening to critically undermine the foundations of global peace and prosperity. This article highlights C4ADS’ approach to analysing unclassified data in order to demonstrate how illicit networks operate, thereby empowering law enforcement authorities, logistics companies, and financial institutions to take action against transnational organized crime.

Varun Vira, Jessica Hansen

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
Customs, cultural goods and data

For years, Customs administrations have been able to transform the raw information they collect on drugs, weapons, and humans trafficking into data which could be analysed to provide meaningful insights in the fight against these illegal activities. However, when it comes to the illicit trade in cultural goods, progress achieved in data collection is some way behind that obtained in other transnational crime areas. This article identifies the data which needs to be collected, stored and analysed following the seizure of cultural goods, and how it can be used to enhance the protection of cultural heritage.

María Esther Portela Vázquez

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
Customs, cultural goods and data

For years, Customs administrations have been able to transform the raw information they collect on drugs, weapons, and humans trafficking into data which could be analysed to provide meaningful insights in the fight against these illegal activities. However, when it comes to the illicit trade in cultural goods, progress achieved in data collection is some way behind that obtained in other transnational crime areas. This article identifies the data which needs to be collected, stored and analysed following the seizure of cultural goods, and how it can be used to enhance the protection of cultural heritage.

María Esther Portela Vázquez

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
Supporting private sector engagement – the CBSA’s stakeholder engagement model

Canada is internationally recognized as one of the best places in the world to do business. If it is to maintain its competitive edge, increase productivity and spur innovation, Canada must constantly strive to improve the conditions for doing business. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) plays a critical role in ensuring that businesses can continue to thrive in a global context. To achieve this, the CBSA collaborates regularly with the private sector as a valued partner in the Customs process in order to streamline and simplify the border experience.

customs and other authorities
en, fr
Supporting private sector engagement – the CBSA’s stakeholder engagement model

Canada is internationally recognized as one of the best places in the world to do business. If it is to maintain its competitive edge, increase productivity and spur innovation, Canada must constantly strive to improve the conditions for doing business. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) plays a critical role in ensuring that businesses can continue to thrive in a global context. To achieve this, the CBSA collaborates regularly with the private sector as a valued partner in the Customs process in order to streamline and simplify the border experience.

customs and other authorities
en, fr
The EU cracks down on e-waste crime

Countering the illegal trade in waste in electrical and electronic equipment, also known as e-waste or by the acronym WEEE, is a challenging, and actual topic for governments, industries, and academics alike. Human health and safety issues, environmental protection concerns, and the economic aspects related to the reuse of raw material, all call for increased attention and enhanced enforcement in the context of e-waste trade, transport, and treatment. To assist government policymakers and enforcement bodies, as well as WEEErelated industries, in countering illicit activities around e-waste, the European Commission decided to launch, in 2013, the Countering WEEE Illegal Trade (CWIT) project. This article outlines the recommendations developed by a group of experienced professionals who participated in the project.

Dr. Juha Hintsa, Sangeeta Mohanty

illicit trade
en, fr
The EU cracks down on e-waste crime

Countering the illegal trade in waste in electrical and electronic equipment, also known as e-waste or by the acronym WEEE, is a challenging, and actual topic for governments, industries, and academics alike. Human health and safety issues, environmental protection concerns, and the economic aspects related to the reuse of raw material, all call for increased attention and enhanced enforcement in the context of e-waste trade, transport, and treatment. To assist government policymakers and enforcement bodies, as well as WEEErelated industries, in countering illicit activities around e-waste, the European Commission decided to launch, in 2013, the Countering WEEE Illegal Trade (CWIT) project. This article outlines the recommendations developed by a group of experienced professionals who participated in the project.

Dr. Juha Hintsa, Sangeeta Mohanty

illicit trade
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